Tentative schedule for the week:
Awareness Week
lundi 19 novembre
jour 2
Phys. Ed., What is
bullying? Class Discussion
mardi 20 novembre
jour 3
Phys. Ed. Cyber
mercredi 21 novembre
jour 4
Are you being bullied? Do you
jeudi 22 novembre
jour 5
CA apportez vos livres, Pizza/Spirit Day Moustache
What can you do? What can you do if
you are being bullied? What can you do if you are bullying?
vendredi 23 novembre
jour 6
Champion Activity,
Phys. Ed., Learning Buddies, Progress Reports sent home
Wear Blue Day
Mark your calendar:
November 27: Parent Trustee Forum,
Clarion Hotel 7pm.
November 29: Parent Teacher Conferences 4-7pm
November 30: Parent Teacher Conferences ALL
Day, No School.
Concert - December 12th.
Please let me know if your child will not be able to attend.
Your child is encouraged to read in French at home
daily. To facilitate and encourage them to read, your child will
receive $1 of school money for each minute read in French at
home. Please have your child write as follow in their agenda: J’ai
lu ___ minutes en français. Sign and initial
please. Merci.
Websites of the week: Please have your
child explore the following site: please
refer to the email sent on Wednesday November 14.
Grade 2 and 3:
and subtraction:
Grade 3:
Multiplication and
Please check the School Blog for all important dates: