Thursday, February 7, 2019

We are hoping to create a ‘Château de Glace’ station, which will provide students the opportunity to build ice structures using homemade ice blocks. To make this a reality, we are asking each student to bring in one (or more!) ice blocks. These can easily be created using a milk carton/jug with the top removed, ice cream bucket, or any other good-sized container. Just clean them, fill them with water (some food colouring here is optional), and let them freeze in the freezer or outside. The blocks can be dropped off after school February 11(Monday) or the morning of February 12 (Tuesday) ; there will be a designated area for this outside the building. The more blocks we have, the better our Château de Glace will be!  Your child will receive $20 of school money for each ice block brought.
VOLUNTEERS needed for Carnaval... If you can help please sign up here...
Tentative schedule for the week:
Please encourage your child to wear plaid shirt, jeans, tuque, and scarf around the waist on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

lundi 11 février
jour 2
Classroom Activities
mardi 12 février
jour 3
1 to 3 Outside Activities
mercredi 13 février
jour 4
Folklo Folie à 9h (M à 3) 
Cabane à sucre en après-midi
jeudi 14 février
No School
Teachers Convention
vendredi 15 février
No School
Teachers Convention

Need volunteers:
Grade 3 Parent-volunteers:
A. Friday February 22 from 9:00 to 11:30 and from 12:30 to 2:00
B.  Tuesday March 5 from 9:00 to 3:00 Field trip to the National Music Center
Please email me if you are available on any of these dates.
1.  Reading Program at home:
Your child is encouraged to read in French at home daily.  To facilitate and encourage them to read, your child will receive $1 of school money for each minute read in French at home.  Please have your child write as follow in their agenda:  J’ai lu ___ minutes en français.  Sign and initial please.  Merci.

2.  Website of the week: Please have your child explore the following site: Subtraction with 2 digit