Friday, March 8, 2019

Tentative schedule for the week:

lundi 11 mars
jour 1

mardi 12 mars
jour 2
Phys. Ed.
mercredi 13 mars
jour 3
Phys. Ed.
Unithéâtre 9 am
David Bouchard 1-3
jeudi 14 mars
jour 4
Parent-teacher conferences 4-7:30
vendredi  15 mars

Parent-teacher conferences  9-11/1-3


Parent Teacher Conferences

Your child is encouraged to read in French at home daily.  To facilitate and encourage them to read, your child will receive $1 of school money for each minute read in French at home.  Please have your child write as follow in their agenda:  J’ai lu ___ minutes en français.  Sign and initial please.  Merci.

Websites of the week: Please have your child explore the following sites:
Addition with 2 digit:
Addition with 3 digit
Subtraction with 2 digit
Subtraction with 3 digit

Have your child print and do these additions and subtractions, he/she will earn $50 per page.

Please check the School Blog for all important dates: