Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Attention Grade 2 and 3 Parents:

We need your help to make our annual carnaval a success.

We need 1L or 2L milk cartons, top cut off, filled with water (food colouring optional) and let them freeze in the freezer or outside.  

The blocks can be dropped off after school February 20 or the morning of February 21 in a marked area of the field beside the teachers parking lot.  The more blocks we have, the better our Château de Glace will be!

lundi 17 février
No School
Family Day
mardi 18 février
jour 3
§  Grade 3 Studio Bell

mercredi 19 février
jour 4
Music, Phys. Ed.

jeudi 20 février
jour 5

vendredi 21 février
jour 6
Carnaval:  Outdoor Games
Mardi Gras

§  February 25th: Folk Music Presentation, Shrove Tuesday and, cabane à sucre
§  February 26th: Ash Wednesday
§  February 27th: Spirit Day Out of this world
§  February 28th:  Grade 3 Peru Day

Reading Program at home:
Your child is encouraged to read in French at home daily.  To facilitate and encourage them to read, your child will receive $1 of school money for each minute read in French at home.  Please have your child write as follow in their agenda:  J’ai lu ___ minutes en français.  Sign and initial please.  Merci.

Website of the week: Please have your child explore the following site: Subtraction with 3 digit