Thursday, September 19, 2019

Tentative schedule for the week:

lundi 23 septembre
No School
Professional Day
mardi 24 septembre
jour 2
Grade 3 Swimming
mercredi 25 septembre
jour 3
Phys. Ed.
Grade 3 Swimming
jeudi 26 septembre
jour 4
Grade 3 Swimming
vendredi 27 septembre
jour 5
Mass 10:00, St.Luke Church

1.  Reading Program at home:
Your child is encouraged to read in French at home daily.  To facilitate and encourage them to read, your child will receive $1 of school money for each minute read in French at home.  Please have your child write as follow in their agenda:  J’ai lu ___ minutes en français.  Sign and initial please.  Merci.

4.  Fall Leaves
Have your child pick up fall leaves and put them in a Ziploc bag with their name on it.  $10 of school money will be given to your child for his bag.

5.  Grade 3 Swimming lessons:  September 24, 25, and 26 We will be in need of volunteers to walk with our class to and from the pool. Please sign up at the following link......