Thursday, September 12, 2019

Tentative schedule for the week:

lundi 16 septembre
jour 4
Please send back forms: Tell Me About Your Child
mardi 17 septembre
jour 5
Grade 3 Swimming
mercredi 18 septembre
jour 6
Phys. Ed.
Grade 3 Swimming
jeudi 19 septembre
jour 1
Carrefour d’apprentissage, Phys. Ed.
Grade 3 Swimming
Welcome Back BBQ 5:00 to 7:00 and Meet the Teacher conferences 4:00 to 7:30
vendredi 20 septembre
No School
Meet the Teacher conferences 4:00 to 7:30

1.  Reading Program at home:
Your child is encouraged to read in French at home daily.  To facilitate and encourage them to read, your child will receive $1 of school money for each minute read in French at home.  Please have your child write as follow in their agenda:  J’ai lu ___ minutes en français.  Sign and initial please.  Merci.

2.  The benefits of a bilingual brain:

Benefits on the Brain of Playing an Instrument:
3.  Grade 3 Swimming lessons: September 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, and 26 We will be in need of volunteers to walk with our class to and from the pool. Please sign up at the following link......